Thursday, 27 June 2013

OSCE success

We got all the marks back from our exams a few days ago, and although I failed the written exam, I got the top grade possible for my OSCEs! This means that I passed all 12 OSCE stations, with a mark of 75% + on all the stations! I didn't think that I'd done that well, especially since I ran out of time and didn't finish several of the stations. It's a nice morale boost though to know that I am capable at doing something well.

My revision for resits is going well I think. I've got a heavily laden revision timetable which I am managing to stick to so far, and I'm going to all the revision sessions available. Hopefully I've got enough time to learn enough to pass the resit exams, but if I do have to resit the year I'm trying to be optimistic about it. I wouldn't want to have to resit the year and leave all my friends, but at the end of the day it's only one year and it might be a good thing if it means that I get to learn all the basics really well which would set me up well for the rest of the course.

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