Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Exam Update

I had my re-sit exams on Friday and yesterday. I felt that Friday's one went pretty well and I came out of it happy. Yesterday's one however, was pretty hard so overall I'm not sure if I've passed. Many other people came out of yesterday's exam saying similar things so hopefully that means that the standards will be set slightly lower, but I don't know. There's nothing more I can do now though so I'm going to just try not to think about it until results day (19th July).

Now that the exams are over it's weird to have so much free time. I keep feeling guilty that I'm not revising! Last night we had a really nice night with our neighbours. We made some food, ate outside and then went for a walk to a local park. It was really enjoyable just to relax and enjoy some time with some friends. Today I'm just catching up with some housework etc. I'm going home over the next few days for a week to do some locum shifts and then back here for results, and we're also moving house.  I'm enjoying the warm weather we're having at the moment. It's so much easier to be productive when the weather's nice! At the end of the month I'm going on holiday to France with my boyfriend's family which I'm really looking forwards to :)


  1. Good Luck for your results on the 19th! - in the meantime I hope you have a lovely relaxing holiday...

  2. Good luck PSD, I really hope Friday goes well for you - hope you're enjoying the nice weather in the meantime! :)
